Workplace | Fire Arms and Physical Violence Threats
Presented by Brianne Layden, Ph.D., Stephen Hart, Ph.D., and Kelly Watt, Ph.D., in partnership with Protect International Risk and Safety Services.
HCR-20 V3 Practice Case #8 is presented by Stephen Hart, Ph.D., Kelly Watt, Ph.D., and Brianne Layden, Ph.D., in partnership with Protect International Risk and Safety Services.
This on-demand professional training program focuses on using the Historical-Clinical-Risk-Management-20 Version 3 (HCR-20 V3) to assess and manage violence risk. Each of the practice cases is derived from real, sanitized cases across correctional and forensic psychiatric settings. Participants will sharpen and maintain their skills administering the HCR-20 V3. This program includes an overview of the HCR-20 V3, a self-directed case review, completion of the HCR-20 V3 worksheet, and a case review/discussion.
This case allows participants to practice administering the HCR-20 V3 with review from internationally recognized experts. Emphasis will be placed on rating the presence and relevance of each HCR-20 V3 item, formulating past violence, scenario planning about future violence, developing case management strategies and tactics, and providing summary judgments about overall risk.
Case #8 focuses on an adult male in Alberta, Canada, who works in automobile manufacturing for the Canadian Armed Forces. He was alleged to have discussed weapons while at work, carried weapons to work, made weapons at work, and to have been physically violent toward his coworkers, and made his coworkers fearful for their physical safety. You are tasked to complete a violence risk assessment to assist the workplace in deciding what steps, if any, must be taken to ensure the safety of employees.
HCR-20 V3
The HCR-20 (Version 2; Webster, Douglas, Eaves, & Hart, 1997) has become the world's most widely used and best-validated violence risk assessment and management instrument. It has been translated into 20 languages and adopted or evaluated in more than 35 countries. It helps professionals in diverse settings decide who poses higher versus lower risk for violence, either within institutions or in the community, and devise and monitor violence risk management plans.
Note: An electronic copy of the HCR-20-V3 Manual is provided for review, so having a hard copy of the Manual is not required to complete this training.
Upon completion of this program you will be able to:
Describe an overview of the administration of the HCR-20 V3
Describe structured professional judgment (SPJ) guidelines for the assessment and management of risk for general violence
Describe the rating, formulation, and conceptualization of risk for violence for Case #8
Protect International Risk and Safety Services
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