Utah DHS - Evaluating Juveniles for Competency to Proceed in Delinquency Matters

This training begins with the legal concepts and foundations of competency to proceed in juvenile court and ends with training around report writing and providing effective courtroom testimony. In between, participants will walk through the literature and procedures necessary to conduct effective and developmentally-sensitive evaluations of juveniles facing adjudication in Utah's juvenile courts.
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
Describe the best practices in conducting juvenile adjudicative competence evaluations & Legal Standards
Describe forensic concepts, and models for thinking about juvenile adjudicative competence
Describe the body of empirical research related to the issue of juvenile adjudicative competence
Describe the role of normal childhood development in conducting developmentally sensitive juvenile adjudicative competence evaluations
Describe the role of developmental psychopathology in conducting developmentally sensitive juvenile adjudicative competence evaluations
Describe key elements in conducting a developmentally sensitive competence interview of a juvenile
Describe the strengths of using various Forensic Assessment Instruments in the evaluation of juvenile adjudicative competence
Describe the weaknesses of using various Forensic Assessment Instruments in the evaluation of juvenile adjudicative competence
Describe the steps in forming opinions relevant to juvenile adjudicative competence
Describe the key elements of a juvenile adjudicative competence report that meets best practice standards & the current approaches to remediating incompetence with juveniles
Lesson 1 Video
Lesson 1 Quiz
Lesson 2 Video
Worksheet for Developmentally Appropriate Interviewing
Submit your completed worksheet here
Lesson 2 Quiz
Lesson 3 Video
Sample Case 1 - Evaluation Report - Referral & Evaluation Procedures
Lesson 3 Quiz
Lesson 4 Video
Lesson 4 Quiz
Lesson 5 Video
Blank JACI Protocol Form
JACI Role-Play Case Reference
Lesson 5 Quiz
Dr. Ivan Kruh